Unlimited rides on Akakame Excursion Bus!
Enjoy Asuka Village.
Unlimited rides on eligible routes, including the safe and reliable round-trip bus (Akakame Bus)! ASUKA Bus Ticket, which allows you to ride just by showing the screen of your mobile phone, is now available on mobile phones! There are 1-Day Ticket for easy one-day use and 2-Day Ticket for overnight stay.
(Kashiharajingu-mae Sta. East Entrance~Asuka Okuyama/Asuka Historical Museum West~Ishibutai~Takamatsuzuka~Asuka Sta.)
Sakurai-asuka Line
(Sakurai Sta. South Entrance~Asuka Okuyama/Asuka Historical Museum West)
*Please note the date of operation.
Yagishimoichi Line
(Kashiharajingu-mae Sta. East Entrance~Asuka Sta.only)
Ticket Lineup
ASUKA Bus 1-Day Ticket
Adult¥750 / Child¥380

1-Day ticket for unlimited rides on and off the applicable bus routes, including the excursion bus (Akakame Bus) .It is recommended for day trips.
ASUKA Bus 2-Day Ticket
Adult¥1,100 / Child¥550

2-Day ticket for unlimited rides on and off the applicable bus routes, including the excursion bus (Akakame Bus) .Recommended for sightseeing along the line while staying overnight.
Valid Routes

Let's enjoy Asuka Village!

The Ishibutai Tumulus is a must-see spot when visiting Asuka Village.It is believed to date the early 7th century, and is said to be the tomb of Soga-no-Umako, a powerful man of the time.It is the largest square mound in Japan, with a total weight of more than 30 rocks weighing approximately 2,300 tons.
Japan's oldest full-fledged Buddhist temple Asukadera Temple's principal image, Seated Gilt-bronze Shakyamuni Buddha (Important Cultural Property), is popularly known as the "Great Buddha of Asuka".
The Amakashi-no-Oka Area is known as the location of the mansion of Soga-no-Emishi, Iruka, and their son, who were powerful figures at the time.There is an observation plaza where visitors can view the beautiful scenery of the three mountains of Yamato (Yamato Sanzan₎, Fujiwara-kyo (Fujiwara Capital), and Asuka-kyo (Asuka Capital).
Asuka Village is a rice-producing area, with TANADA (Rice Terraces) located throughout the village, offering a unique view of Asuka Village.
You need an app to buy and use tickets